E-polish.eu an e-learning platform for teaching Polish as a foreign language

E-polish.eu platform
Materials and tools for teaching Polish to foreigners

The e-polish.eu platform is an exceptionally rich resource with a variety of materials and tools for teaching Polish as a foreign language. This has been designed with teachers in mind – those that do not have easy access to modern textbooks and those who are looking for additional materials to supplement their lessons and make them more attractive.

The materials on e-polish.eu have been developed by a team of experienced tutors, including the authors of the textbook series “POLSKI krok po kroku” (Polish step by step). These were based on more than a decade of experience of teaching Polish to people from all over the world, of all ages and at all levels.

The e-polish.eu platform includes:

  • more than 10,000 registered teachers and 20,000 students
  • an effective tool used by teachers in more than 70 countries around the world
  • more than 9,000 materials for levels A1-B1
  • close to 300 detailed vocabulary and grammar categories, in which you can search for teaching materials
  • a powerful multimedia dictionary with case tables

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Satoshi w szkole języka polskiego
Nagasaki (Japonia)

Jestem zaskoczony możliwościami, jakie daje ten kurs. Uczyłem się przy pomocy programów komputerowych angielskiego, niemieckiego i hiszpańskiego i nie spodziewałbym się, iż powstanie program do nauki języka polskiego w wielu kwestiach przewyższający tamte programy. Choć uczę się dopiero od miesiąca jestem pewny, że wkrótce będę mówił po polsku!


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