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Booking an online class with a tutor?

Booking an online class with a tutor?
1. Click lessons tab (at top of web page - Home Tests Lessons Online Courses etc)


2. Click bieżące (current) button

Click 'Aby wykupić lekcje kliknij tutaj' ('To buy lessons click here') link within the following text:

Aktualnie nie masz wykupionych żadnych lekcji. Aby wykupić lekcje kliknij tutaj.

That takes me to the "zamów lekcje" (order lessons') tab of Lessons

3. Select teacher required by clicking the blue button with the cart symbol.

4. Read about the teacher, select number of lessons (using select button) and click blue button with the text 'dodaj do koszyka' (add to cart).

5. Message flashes up on the top right hand side of the website in polish (lessons added to cart?)

How do you actually purchase the lessons, so you can then book a timeslot within the teachers schedule? In other words how do you checkout and purchase the alloted lessons?
It works like this: after your chosen teacher recieves your payment, they manually enable the booking option in the calendar for you.
P.S. I asked the platform creators abut translations some weeks ago, and they said it's "in progress". I hope one of them will answer you in more details soon.

I think you have misunderstood my post.

I can click the blue 'dodaj do koszyka (add to cart) button.
I then see a green flash with text, which after translating (with 'Google Translate") found was 'lessons added to cart'.

My question are:

a. Where is the actual cart (basket etc). Where can I view what I have actually placed in / added to the cart.
b. Where do I checkout? Where do I pay?

I cannot see the cart, therefore I cannot complete the checkout / purchase process. Without completing the purchase I cannot scheldule time in a calendar etc.

Thank you for your help.
Strange. Ignore my last post. The last couple of times that I tried to purchase there was not a cart symbol of checkpoout symbol on the page. It seems to be working now.

Thank you.

I have found out what was happening when I was trying to order a lesson online.

The existing method to order a lesson is not obvious.

Scanning the menu options at the top of the page show:

Home Symbol - Lessons - Online Courses - Dictionary - Forum, - Bookshop - Info

My thought proess when buying an online lesson

a. Take an online lesson.
b. Scan the page, to see how to book a lesson.
c. Click menu item "Lessons"
d. Select a teacher.
e. Click add to cart.
f. See message "Item added to cart"
g. Try to chekout but cannot see how.

I would never have guessed that to book a lesson I need to click on the menu item labeled "Bookshop".

If you try to purchase via the "Lessons" menu item you cannot complete checkout, as there aren't any "View cart" or "Checkout Symbols".

Please see my screencast showing my thought process and why I couldn't complete the purchase.

Yes, it seems I didn't fully understand your problem. That may be because, when my last student was starting his course, there was the old version of the page, quite different from the one we have today.
Thank you for those instructions - especially the screencast is very useful and I hope the platform creators will take your words into consideration.

Good luck with your lessons!
Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.


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