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Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2 - online version / Vocabulary revision

Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2 - online version / Vocabulary revision
Dzień dobry!

I am also pretty much interested in online verion of KPK-2 workbook (Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2)
I have activated it a week ago using the code enclosed with paper version, but effectively can see only 7+7 excercises for Lessons 1 and 2
Everything else is missing.... Is there something wrong with my activation or is it still not fully published?
Well, it is a year now from the May 2015 when it was initially promised to go live...,basic_a2_e-coursebook_access_disappeared._please_turn_it_back_on/forum/thread.html,no_content_for_the_online_a2_execise_book/forum/thread.html

Any update on this?

Also I have a question - is there any difference between 'Vocabulary Revision' which is activated free of charge along with KPK1/2 e-book and the 'Vocabulary revision' you can order separately for 15EUR?
The reason for asking - in the vocabulary settings I can see only A1 and A2 checkboxes
In the paid version listed A1-C2 range is advertised. (

Also I have noticed many important words missing translation in the system, so not available for daily learning/revision (see example: przepadać).

Please advise

Z poważaniem,
P.S. I have tried to 'report' words missing translation, but there are too many of them appear starting from very beginning of A2
One of the examples -
In this text there are 20+ new words missing translation...

I believe your technicians should have the possibility to run checks on the vocabulary database to identify all words missing any translation.
It will be a way easier than having us (customers) reporting every single word to you.
Dzień dobry,

Thank you for your message. The online course "Zeszyt ćwiczeń 2" is still under construction. We are very sorry for that delay. It will be run as soon as possible. As the compensation for delayed services we offer the access for the full online course 'Polski, krok po kroku 2' till that time. The extended version includes additional materials and exercises - they are no available in the basic course (e-coursebook). As I see, you have the basic exercises from that course, so I add the additional access.

The 'Vocabulary revision' that you have unlocked with the code is the same program that costs 15EUR. The code from book unlocked it for 12 months. After that period, students can extend that.

The translation system - there is the way to report us the mistakes and lack of words, as you have mentioned. We are correct such notes and add them to dictionary.

If you have any doubt, just let me know.

Best regards,

Milena Łuksza
Nauka polskiego Christian
Dresden (Niemcy)

Doskonały kurs do nauki języka polskiego. Jestem zaskoczony tak dużym bogactwem dostępnych ćwiczeń do każdego z poruszanych w kursie tematów. Dzięki temu nawet trudne tematy stają się jasne i moje umiejętności rozumienia i używania polskiego są na coraz wyższym poziomie.


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